Welcome Young Adults!

We offer a variety of resources for young adults. Learn more below.


Do you ever find yourself unsure of what to do or who to call when you are facing challenges in your life? Align and Embrace understands that young adults are finding their way to independence while living in a world that constantly presents change. The need for support that is relevant and culturally responsive is perhaps greater now than ever before. The amount of information online can often be overwhelming if not misleading. Align and Embrace is your one-stop resource shop where we take the work out of finding wellness information so you can spend more time taking care of yourself and living your best life.

You will find a variety of tips and topics that include:

  • Dealing with the responsibilities that are a part of being a young adult

  • Coping with the stressors of entering the workforce for the first time.

  • Managing relationships.

  • How to confront sexual identity 

  • Self-regulating screen time, substance use, and other potential threats to wellness.

  • How to relate to your parents.

Have ideas for topics to add to this section? We’d love to hear them!

We’re Here to Help


Personal Development

The responsibilities of being a young adult can be overwhelming. You have to work hard, go to school, and maintain relationships with friends and family. It's easy to let growing pains get the best of you. However, it is important not to give up! We are happy to offer resources and tips on how you can deal with the constant change of being a young adult.

College Planning and Preparation

We live in a world where academic success is often the key to obtaining jobs and financial stability. The pressure of academic competition can be high, but with the right preparation it doesn't have to be daunting. In our app you will find guidance from our educational coach Shereem Herndon-Brown, who is an expert in strategic admissions.


Many psychologists and therapists believe that mindfulness is one of the most effective ways to help young adults deal with life's difficulties. Mindfulness practices are gaining popularity in schools, colleges, universities and other institutions for their ability to make people feel more grounded and calm. With so much left to be unwritten for young adults, we know how hard it can be to live in the present. We have the resources and tips to help you become more present and mindful no matter the situation.


Career Coach

The work world is hard to navigate as a young adult. One minute, you are excited because you just got your first paycheck and then the next day, you're stressed about your workload and how to balance work, school, and your personal life. Our career coaching will give you advice on how to manage your time more effectively so that you can be a successful employee, student, friend, and family member.

Communication Coach

You're young, you're free-spirited. You've got a lot going for you. Yet-does it ever feel difficult to communicate your needs? Do you feel like you’re speaking a different language from your loved ones and colleagues? Our app offers tips and resources to help you interact with varying personalities you may come across in the personal and professional world. Communication is the key to success, and we’re happy to help you navigate the challenges you may face.

Stress Management

Stress is a part of life for anyone, but it can be especially hard on young adults. Stress triggers the fight-or-flight response in our bodies and makes us feel anxious, irritable, and overwhelmed. While stress is an inevitable part of life, our app can offer information, tricks, and trips, on how to effectively manage your stress.

Your Voice Your Choice!

Tell us what resources you think should be highlighted on the app.